Birth Control

What types of birth control are available?  

When considering birth control, health, lifestyle, and personal preference will all play a role in deciding which type is best for you.  The variety of birth control methods can be confusing.  MaxHealth Family, Internal, & Sports Medicine can help you with your decision.  

Options include:  

  • Barrier methods:  Condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge

  • Short-acting hormonal:  Birth control pills, vaginal ring, skin patches, injections

  • Long-acting hormonal:  Copper IUD, hormonal IUD, implant

  • Sterilization:  Tubal ligation (women), vasectomy (men)

  • Fertility awareness:  Planning sexual intercourse for infertile times of the month or using a barrier method during the fertile times.  

  • Emergency contraception:  The morning-after pill

Each option has a different effectiveness rate.  Some require patient compliance for use, such as taking or using at a specific time or using periodic abstinence.  Correct and consistent use for some birth control is critical to its success.  IUDs, implants, and sterilization require little patient compliance and are preferred by patients who are not good at adhering to schedules.  

The variety of options in birth control stems from the different ways available to prevent pregnancy.  

  • Preventing the egg from being fertilized by sperm

  • Demobilizing or damaging sperm

  • Preventing eggs from being maturing each month

  • Preventing the egg from implanting into the lining of the uterus  

  • Producing thick cervical mucus to block the sperm

Text 817-663-8162 or call 817-355-8000 to make an appointment for birth control today.