

Can MaxHealth Family, Internal, & Sports Medicine help me with my fitness needs?

Yes, we can!  The physicians here at MaxHealth Family, Internal, & Sports Medicine can get patients started on a program of regular physical activity for improved fitness.   

Fitness is very important to physical health and well-being.  In this technological age, our exposure to physical activity keeps decreasing, and the lack of movement is affecting the health of millions.  

A fitness program should start early in life and continue throughout the later years.  Physicians have realized that the health and fitness of a patient are directly related to their degree of regular exercise and physical activity throughout each stage of their life.  

Movement is essential.  It not only keeps joints and muscles limber and more flexible but also helps prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (just to name a few).  It sounds counter-productive, but patients with arthritis are encouraged to be physically active, as movement actually helps combat joint pain.  

Exercise is good for mental health, too.  More oxygen is pumped to the brain, which provides more energy.  Sleeps patterns improve.  Mood is improved when the body feels better.  

Doing a moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 150 minutes per week (that is only 30 minutes a day for five days) will improve your health.  Increasing your fitness level increases the quality of your entire life.  

If you would like help with your fitness needs, text 817-663-8162 or call 817-355-8000.